Once upon
a day a Girl meet a Boy and…
Our History
started in a glance, on that day I “Lost” our “Found” myself in his Sweet Lips
and my Soul on his Intense Eyes.
happened when I was (again) questioning my future, my career, where to go… and
for a long time I had lost hope in Love, meet someone Special, Different and
truly Authentic.
Even if my
essence was craving for Passion and Love, I was not conscience of that.
I told
myself over and over again that I wish to be by myself, on my one course.
He is
kind, Soft, Intense, full of life… all that made me Dream & Smile!
Our paths
cross when both were facing deep life changes… He was starting over, looking
for himself, his identity, hunger for freedom... he still is!
We made a
vow… Live our own “Carpe Diem”, no rules, no expectations, no titles, no
charges… "Only be Us"!!!
The days,
weeks, months pass by and the complicity, the respect, admiration, care,
intimacy, passion grow… but we are also human, with a pass, histories,
attachments and with all that came also the fear of drop ourselves in the
"errors" of the common relationships, lose the magic that made what
we live so Special and Unique, so when we notice, questions started to haunt
our minds.
that communication is essential in any kind of relationship, with some less
positive chooses from the pass, making baby steps, putting away our filters, we
try to understand our feelings, our own goals… what we really are, feel and
want from life.
We realize
to be truthful and completely honest with ourselves we needed go deep, walk
away from our comfort zone, and think “out of the box”… it’s true if we really
want different results, we need to act different.
Love In Quarantine
We talk
about it, share intentions, fears, positive that will bring “light” to our days
and thoughts.
Went to
bed confidante that is the best for both, but just fall asleep when the day
rise, knowing that every minute it will be difficult, that I will miss all
about him, but especially what he makes me fell… the person I’m when I am by
his side.
Day One…
Not feeling… robot mode, just fill
my day with work, manage to be with good friends, went to the cinema… “Wonder
Girl” great film, need to say, above my poor expectation.
We share all the friends I
have here, share hobbies, interests, it will be quite a challenge.
Catch myself thinking: How he
is? Does he think about me? Looking to the phone, knowing that it
will not ring, and we just start the first 24 hours of a long journey.
Like to think that we are
doing it side by side, perceptive that deep in my heart it will be ok, will make me stronger, smarter, but also bring to the light like a “Heads Up” that
we don’t control anything, in particular our own feelings.
“Nothings Ends, everything Transforms”; If it meant to be, It will be”; If it don’t kill, it will make you
Stronger”… and so one!!!